Super Group - Jamili Brown News !!!
I'm really excited about the future now. I really am. The ball is moving and everything is happening so quickly at this point. Yes we have been low but don't mistake that for no work. The complete opposite. We've been working out of state and when I say from LA to Atl. to NYC, I mean it. Keep your fingers crossed. What's next? New version of 'Blackbird' with music video done by my man Michael Reyes from Full Sail. Shout to Tyler Morrison. Good look-out Jay!!! Full-out press for airwaves space. A day trip to LA for a meeting. And then....? It could be a wrap. Keep your fingers crossed. In the meantime Jamili took a little trip to Atlanta the other day for meeting with our lawyer, sup T! and hooked up with the Don of Atlanta. Don Ghotti (donghotti.podomatic.com). Went to his listening party for latest mixtape and man it was live down there for sure and the music, put a check next to that one. So we passed off our CD for submission for his next mixtape, he liked it and boom 'Blown' is the second song on the mixtape following a dope mix of Tupac and the Mama's and Papa's 'California Dreaming' You know we loved the fact that we came in after Pac! There are some great artist on there too including Interscope recording artist Prema Lena (premalanay.com). She is amazing. It drops in April but if you click here you can download it for free now. If you're recording anytime soon, you're going to want to give David 'Ninja' Soards a shout in the near future. He's opening his own studio and you know how long he's been doing it and now has his own spot. It's about to be on! So here we go! keep your fingers crossed and follow us on Twitter and and that for exclusives and watch for new music coming soon.
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