Quotes from 6/13

MizRik "After listening to the mixtape, I'm a little miffed I didn't get to The Bench in time to see ALL the acts. But I'm glad I copped the CD for real... and that hidden track is BANANAS! Great work Don Ghotti! "
Tony Reed [attendee] - “If you have not been to a DG event let me be the first to tell you that it’s the place to see or be seen at. Don the party was DOPE [I’m bringing dope back] and the artist were on point. Can’t wait for the next event. Your boy Reed aka Young Six $$$.
CheyN [Recording Artist who Performed] “Mixtape Couture was a great night full of dope artist. I’m stoked to not only have been featured on the mixtape but to also have the chance to perform live in celebration of Vol. 3 with Don Ghotti and the entire DGPR family!”
Jaya [Supermodel attendee] - “Underground Hip Hop at it’s finest”
Jayson Voreheez [Recording Artist who Performed] “I enjoyed the show! Met June Plumm, Tanijoy & a lot of people I have seen & talked to on Twitter! Lol! A lot of talent from around the country! Where else can u Go & have so much talent u gotta break it up into 2 parties? The crowd response was great for my songs Nuvo & Racked Up! Thank DGPR, Inc 4 the opportunity!
Tiquisha L. Tobin [Entertainment Attorney attendee] “I can sum up Mixtape Couture in two words The Future. It gives unsigned Artist the opportunity to be heard in various mediums”
Mizrik [attendee] - “Yo @doughty there’s some realllllly good music on this mixtape son”
Koren Porter [attendee] - “My thing if u wasn’t there u missed some great music as well as a nice flow of Ghotti new artist I really enjoyed myself”
Devious [photographer for Ozone Mag] “Hip hop is not dead or retired. It’s always and will be around”
L-Marr the Star [Event DJ and Recording Artist who Do’s & Performed] - “another beautiful event…another day with the best independent music out…only done the Ghotti way”

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