Whats going on everyone! I'm kinda new to this whole blogging thing so bear with me OK? now I admit. I speak and pull very little punches...some of what I say may be crude, politically incorrect, unpolished, opinionated, biased and/or straight up unbearable...but that would make me no different than that damn tea party wouldn't it? lol! Anyway that's another subject for another time...TODAY, I am gonna speak on the top 5 reasons us men, shouldn't take coochie as a v day present. I know what some of y'all saying already...WHAT? DON'T ACCEPT NO P_SSY, THIS DUDE RIGHT HERE CRAZY AS HELL! OR GAY ONE! WHAT THE HELL THIS FOOL TALKING BOUT? TURNING DOWN GOOD COOCH! whoooah, calm down kemosabie, I'ma explain why u shouldn't fall for that trick...
#1....Fellas, imagine ya lady showing up to the crib on Valentine's Day, u have no gift, no present, no surprise, nothing for her but a card and Mr. happy down below tied in a bow and u saying HERE IS YOUR GIFT! she may take it...if y'all been together 4 a while but she gonna see u as the sorriest most selfish insensitive and thoughtless prick ever who put no time and effort into a valentine's day gift. Now if we looked at in that esteem if we were to offer nothing but d_ck to our woman, why don't we think the same way when she say in there with a hallmark card and some cooch we oughta be used to? which brings me to #2
#2...A gift is usually something we don't get often or seen as a surprise...a new car is a gift, a new home is a gift, a vacation, new clothes...hell a cutlery set is a gift! its a surprise and something u aren't used to...with that being said, if you've been with a woman for a while, her love below, no matter how good should be something u get on a regular basis...with that being said, what kinda gift are u getting if get it every other day or whatever ya sexual habits are? but then again, a lot of my married friends say sex is close to null in their life so i guess there are SOME exceptions! lol!
#3...Even if u get her a small gift and she gives u some coochie to say thanks, she still comes out on top in the deal because she gets two gifts...the one u bought her and some sex while u just get sex...doesn't sound too fair to me! lol!
#4...Wouldn't your woman get sick and tired of getting the SAME gift every holiday, birthday, etc? well getting coochie every v day takes the work away from them having to come up with a thoughtful gift...think about it, we as men go to the store wondering what does she like? what size does she wear? will she like this? maybe i should get that...etc...so why shouldn't SHE have to go through the same process? WHAT DOES MY MAN WANT? SOME P-SSY...OH THAT WILL BE SIMPLE ENOUGH! LOL!
#5 Men like to feel appreciated for the efforts that we put in making our women happy. most of what we do is to make sure that our woman, wife, girl, etc is treated to the best that we can offer...we as men need to make it valentines day more than just on the 14Th of February and if u have a man that caters to you like that, why not cater to him for just ONE day? AND give him some coochie to top it off? LOL!
Ok, people, that the end of my blog...hope u enjoy i, hate it, agree with it, disagree with it, hate it to death, just don't ignore it! wanna thank Don for allowing me to voice my opinion on his site and I thank y'all...next blog...BREAKING DOWN THE SCIENCE, SKILL, AND COMPLEXITY OF A WAKA FLAKA FLAME SONG! LMAO! just kidding....maybe! take care...
Written by Bernard L. Kinsey aka @ikenotturner
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