Hello everyone! I am back! yes it's me, Bernard Kinsey, here to voice my opinion about all the things that are on my mind...well not all the things but you understand, dont you? Lol! Anyways, let me start off by thanking all those who took the time to read my first blog and leave an opinion about it. Whether you loved it or hated it your comments are greatly appreciated. Also, I wanna thank my partner Don Ghotti for the opportunity to blog because he could have chose someone else, so thanks for taking a chance with me. Now, that I got all my humbleness and gratefulness out of the way, now let me get down to the task of being the witty, opinionated, charming asshole I was brought here to be, lol!
Today's blog is about women...beautiful women...well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but by many standards women like Halle Berry and Kim Kardashian are considered very beautiful, successful women who seem to have it all going for them. With that being said, why I ask, do these two seem to have the hardest time keeping a man? Let's start with Halle. Christopher Williams, Wesley Snipes, Dave Justice, Eric Benet, The dude from Barbershop and For Colored Girls...she even left black men alone and dated some white supermodel and had a kid by him. Actors, baseball players, singers, models, Halle's dated them all and the result has ALWAYS been the same...her relationships ending and Halle being accused of being a crazy, pitiful yet pitiless, over demanding, overemotional wreck of a woman! Now keep in mind, I have never met Ms. Berry(as Hurricane Chris would call her) and to be fair, the men she dealt with may have been just as equally outta their mind. But let's face facts, Halle has a terrible track record when it comes to men in relationships and if it's not her, maybe it's the men she is choosing which means her choices suck elephant ass hair! I mean damn, Halle, you been choosing the wrong men since you was two stepping in Jeff Redd videos! Lol!
Now, Kim Kardashian AKA Kimmy the Black C*ck Slayer AKA The Armenian Ass Clapper AKA for all my beauty, body and looks no man wanna wife me! lol! I'm just playing...maybe! But seriously, ever since Kim came(no pun intended) into the forefront as Ray J's co-star in what was probably the most BORING celebrity sex tape ever, she has had or been linked to a slew of men. Ray J (who owes his career, whatever the hell it is he does, to her), Reggie Bush, a Dallas Cowboy, an international soccer star, Kanye West, and maybe a couple of others that I don't know about. While Kim, doesn't have the reputation of being a mad woman in relationships, she does have a rep for being relatively, um, how can I put this, EASY1 Now, to the same respect, I've never met Ms. Kardsahian, and I don't know to what extent her relationships were to these men. She's been described as a relatively nice girl. But the the facts are the facts...every one of those relationships with the exception of Reggie Bush seemed to be relatively quick one off where she ended up as simply a notch on some running back's, rapper, or other sportsman's belt. Oh, yeah, and Ray J!
Now don't get me wrong, this isn't a blog to down either one of these women. It's just we as quote unquote "regular" guys seem to have this misconception that just because a woman is incredibly beautiful that she is this goddess that has no flaws. How many of y'all said to yourself "Eric Benet stupid...why that negro gonna cheat when he got Halle Berry?" Well Halle is human and we have no idea how Halle is behind closed doors and when the camera is off. Same with Kim. She seems to be a nice girl who like many nice girls may let the wrong men take advantage of her kindness. I really don't know. I just hope that these two, as well as, other beautiful, strong, successful women can find happiness not only with a mate, but within themselves. Didn't i end that shit nice? Lol! This is Bernard and I'm out...y'all take care.
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